Busy Summer

Wow! The calendar sure has been busy lately.  This past weekend was Snook Farm Fest where I had an AdvoCare/Popcorn Shirt booth.  It was dang hot out there and crowds were low, but I did make a few  sales that made it worth while. The breeze (wind) felt good, but it wasn't good for the clothes rack and signs that kept blowing down.

Note to self: No more outdoor booths after May 1 and before October 1.

Over the past few weeks, we have been working on props for our EFCA church camp and going to skit practices.  Each Wednesday, we have also been working on our BUMP (Building Urban Missions Project) trainings.  Starting Sunday, we will be working at the camp.  It's always a lot of work, but rewarding as well.  If we can help even ONE more soul make it to Heaven, then it is all worth it.

At work, I've been working on creating a manual for a PowerPoint 101 class.  I'll be conducting the first training this week.  I'm also doing web trainings to prepare for taking exams to get the Microsoft Office Specialist certification for 2010 versions.

We've been so busy, I haven't even had the time to do much geocaching at all lately, though I did manage to deploy one BIT cache sticker on Opencaching.US.  I can't seem to make any of the podcasts at the live times, so I try to keep up with the recorded versions while I'm in the car commuting to work or one of these functions. It's always cool to hear names of cachers I know (or know of) in the various podcasts. I've had some trouble with internet connections at home, too, so that doesn't help.

Our BUMP trip is to Baltimore in July and I'll be one of the drivers. ~1400 miles one-way and I'll be hauling 1 other adult and 3-4 kids.  I'm going to need new tires before we go. $$$$ and another errand!