It always seems like we go straight from Halloween to Christmas. Most retail places completely skip by Thanksgiving. Why? Because they don't want you to be thankful for what you've got, they just want you to spend money on new stuff. I still want to see Fall decorations in November! I want the emphasis to be on family and friends and counting the blessings we have. As tempting as it may be, I refuse to buy Christmas decorations and such until the week of Thanksgiving. We always put up our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but each season should stay in order in its own time.
So, this month, I will giving thanks for at least one thing each day.

2 - For getting to go to an Aggie game at Kyle Field. Gig 'em Aggies!
3 - For the Sandhill Cranes that hang out in the back of the property. I love their calls and they usually signal cooler weather.
4 - for only very minor damage when someone backed into my car
5 - That my Lord and Savior chose ME to spend eternity with
6 - For beautiful Texas sunsets
7 - For my Daddy and all the things he does for me (including installing my new kitchen faucet)
8 - For Fridays!
9 - For 4x Munzees
10 - For being able to spend a nice Sunday afternoon relaxing with my son
11 - That MOST of our baked goods turned out okay for the Freshmen bake sale tomorrow
12 - For my health
13 - For the people dedicated enough to come out to Prayer Service
14 - For a pretty, frosty morning view
15 - For not having anything on the calendar after work!
16 - For being able to spend at little time at my brother's
17 - For Fall colors and country roads
18 - For finishing walking the Wonderland Trail on Walking4Fun (140.7 miles)
19 - That my son still wakes up and the first thing he wants is a hug from his Mama
20 - That I get to fill a couple of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and help brighten some children's day. Also...I am now an active Distributor for The Gourmet Cupboard again.
21 - For finally getting all the plumbing leaks fixed in the kitchen
22 - For getting my headlight replaced
23 - For not being a vegetarian. Gotta love bacon!
24 - For all the ladies in my Sunday School class. It really is a joy.
25 - For getting to eat lunch with a former co-worker
26 - For my hearing. I wish my Daddy's wasn't so bad.
27 - For being able to go to church for communion service and give thanks to the Lord for his blessings.
28 - For my family - immediate and extended. I've got a pretty good one!
29 - For being able to relax and take a ride to the fields and back roads with my Daddy
30 - For being able to spend time walking around Birch Creek State Park trails with my brother and his roommate
6 - For beautiful Texas sunsets
7 - For my Daddy and all the things he does for me (including installing my new kitchen faucet)
8 - For Fridays!
9 - For 4x Munzees
10 - For being able to spend a nice Sunday afternoon relaxing with my son
11 - That MOST of our baked goods turned out okay for the Freshmen bake sale tomorrow
12 - For my health
14 - For a pretty, frosty morning view
15 - For not having anything on the calendar after work!
16 - For being able to spend at little time at my brother's
17 - For Fall colors and country roads
18 - For finishing walking the Wonderland Trail on Walking4Fun (140.7 miles)
19 - That my son still wakes up and the first thing he wants is a hug from his Mama
20 - That I get to fill a couple of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and help brighten some children's day. Also...I am now an active Distributor for The Gourmet Cupboard again.
21 - For finally getting all the plumbing leaks fixed in the kitchen
22 - For getting my headlight replaced
23 - For not being a vegetarian. Gotta love bacon!
24 - For all the ladies in my Sunday School class. It really is a joy.
25 - For getting to eat lunch with a former co-worker
26 - For my hearing. I wish my Daddy's wasn't so bad.
27 - For being able to go to church for communion service and give thanks to the Lord for his blessings.
28 - For my family - immediate and extended. I've got a pretty good one!
29 - For being able to relax and take a ride to the fields and back roads with my Daddy
30 - For being able to spend time walking around Birch Creek State Park trails with my brother and his roommate