I got a couple of irises at the Kolache Festival last year and they bloomed this year. Unfortunately, I don't know the species names. I LOVE purple and I think these are just gorgeous! Check out this one with the yellow top (click the image to see a larger version). Even the beard has a "petal" on it. I've never seen anything like that and I think it's really cool. If anyone knows what these are, please comment and let me know.
The hummingbirds are in for their first wave in March/April as well. The poor little things are so skinny and they are starving. I always make sure to clean the feeders and keep the solution fresh for them. We normally just get the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, but every once in a while, I see a Rufus come through. For such tiny things, they can be fiesty and make a surprising amount of clicks and whistles. They are very territorial, but they are so hungry at this time of year, that they will share the feeders pretty well.
See more images here of the birds and blooms from 2015.