Last Minute Presentation

On Thursday, June 5, around 9 am, I got an email from the ABWA (American Business Women's Association) College Station Charter Chapter requesting an emergency fill-in for a speaker that canceled for that night's meeting.  Luckily, I was free that evening and was able to pull a presentation together on Digital Planning with OneNote. πŸ“’ Thanks for thinking of me, Sharon.

If you have followed this blog and/or my YouTube channel, you know that digital planning is something I work on for my personal life on a daily basis and is near and dear to my heart. I have presented this topic at work before, so all I needed to do was tweak it a little bit (which is the norm anytime I do a repeat presentation).

The meeting was nice and I saw a few familiar faces from other organizations I have been in over the years, so it was good to catch up. The meal was chicken fajitas with all the fixin's. YUM! Hey, I didn't have to cook or do dishes that night! After the meal, I did my demo and answered questions to the best of my ability. I wasn't quite as polished as I would like to have been, but I think it was pretty good for a last-minute stand in. There was a Business of the Month spotlight and short business meeting and then door prizes - and I even won one of them - a bag of fresh, home-grown t'maters. πŸ…

I enjoy presenting trainings and I love seeing people's faces when they get that "Ah-hah" moment. 😲 "Oh, THAT'S how I can save a lot of time and effort" or "I didn't know this program would do that"!  It makes my day. For my MCT requirements, I need to have evaluations filled out on trainings that I present and I enjoy getting 5-star ratings and reading the comments on how I helped someone or how they enjoyed the presentation. It was a good day.