Camping at Big Creek for 4th of July

Big Creek Marina & Campground, Lake Somerville

North Shore, Park Road 4
July 2-5, 2021 - 3 Nights
Type of Park: Private-owned
Check In: 4p    Check Out: 3p

Site #97 - Back-In

  • $30 per night
  • Water
  • 20/30 amp
  • Grill
  • Picnic Table
  • Hook on pole for light, etc
  • Very close to restrooms/showers

πŸ‘πŸ» Pros:

  • No trees to avoid
  • Good area for camping in groups
  • Good view of the Lake. Site is more parallel with the Lake instead of perpendicular like most of the other sites. Camper faces setting sun. 
  • Close to good swimming areas
  • Can bring golf carts, ATV's (machines with steering wheels, not handle bars)

πŸ‘ŽπŸ» Cons:

  • No shade

πŸ“ Park Notes: 

  • Gates closed and locked from midnight to 6 am on weekends. Closed at 10 pm on week days. 
  • Dump Station - a little hard to get to for big rigs. Also hard to leave the park from there. You may have to go back into the park to turn around.
  • Park Store - getting up and running with a few necessities
  • Sites on this loop have crushed granite in the pad sites


Didn't go this evening. Everyone else had to work and not planning to stay the night. Had to reserve 3 nights for Holiday weekend.


I got there earlier, but friends started showing up around 5:30 pm. We went for a ride on the boat across the lake. The setting sun looked cool on the lake. There were a couple Mockingbird nests in the BBQ pit at my site. It was way too hot in the there for the babies and eggs! We did Beef Fajitas for a late supper. It was a HOT day, but the AC seems to work well. Even turned it down to Low Cool. Used the propane for the first time to keep refrigerator going on the trip and to heat up the hot water heater. Worked well.


One of the guys made breakfast for everyone. Cowboy coffee, bacon, eggs and potatoes. Spent most of the day in the lake - hanging out on the floating pad my friend bought and on the boat tubing with the smaller kids. We had at least 5 RV's plus day-visitors so we had quite a group. 

🧨 The fireworks displays were excellent around the lake and the ones at Big Creek had the full moon behind the display. Big Creek, Welch Park and other areas on the Washington County side. We drove the Mule over and watched 3 main areas from around the marina side. Every time we thought it was a finale, they went off again a few minutes later. 

Happy Independence Day America!

Hot dogs and hamburgers for supper. 


One of the ladies made breakfast - breakfast tacos. We had cowboy coffee again. It was a lazy morning and then we started putting away stuff in the camper around lunch time. Loaded up and hit the dump station.