Making Google Keep Visually Appealing

I haven't done a technical video in a while as I usually do in-person or online sessions for specific groups, but I wanted to share some tips on one of my favorite productivity tools in the Google suite called Google Keep. It's like digital sticky notes, but with more capabilities.

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🎬 In this video, I'm covering the visual aspect and how to "pretty it up", so to speak.
  • Use emojis
  • Change the color of a note
  • Pin notes to the top of the page
  • Add one of several background images (mobile devices only)
  • Add images to use as "headers"
  • Check off items on a list and have them move to the bottom of the list
    • Uncheck all and they go back in the order they were in
  • Add "categories" to checklists (indent individual items)
  • Add Labels and Archive to clean up the Home screen view

Leave comments and questions below the video or on this post and I will try to answer them the best I can. Thanks for watching!

πŸ“· Most of the images shown in the demo were purchased from DPC Digitals. Find her on Etsy and Facebook as well.