Getting Back in the Training Groove

Since COVID and then the cancer diagnosis, chemo, surgery and recovery, I have been out of the training scene for a while. I'm glad to be getting back to into it.

I presented a training for some of my co-workers just to ease back into the groove. Yeah, I'm a tech nerd. I love Excel (and Google Sheets), OneNote and other Office products. I created a training class on PivotTables and Dashboards in Excel along with a handout. I can do everything much faster than trying to type out the steps, but this time I did the guide with no screen shots. I was presenting to a room of IT professionals so I didn't think they needed to see what the buttons and drop-down menus looked like and it sped up the process quite a bit. 

In September 2017, I earned my Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certification and I have been able to renew it each year, even with the challenges. I am so glad to be able to renew it for the upcoming year! This past year has been a hard row to hoe for sure, but I'm still here and hoping for a turn around. 

πŸ’» Find me on YouTube and LinkedIn as well as Facebook and Instagram. I have some videos out and I plan to do more in the coming months. Since you're seeing this post, you already have my website and can see that I do RVing and Tech posts. 

🎬 See The Techy Side playlist for a mix of products I have covered. 

✍🏻 If you would like to reach me, message me through any of my social media accounts or fill in my Contact Me form.